P-06-1404 Increase clarity and rights for people on direct payments or WILG to live independently


This petition was submitted by Nathan Lee Davies, having collected a total of 377 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

There’s a power imbalance against disabled people. LA’s are failing to provide services focusing on well-being, voice and control and co-production- core principles of the Social Services and Well-being Act 2014. We need fairness and


·         Better advocacy support & a national organisation to represent the voice of Direct Payment users

·         Dispute resolution process

·         Better communication channels

·         LA complaints panels to have knowledge Welsh law & policy

·         Re-training LA staff in the spirit & intent of the Act


Additional Information:
To quote the Final Evaluation Report on the SSWBA 2014 para 6.60: “For the majority of service user & carer respondents interviewed for this evaluation, their experience was one of frustration. Against the hope offered by the Act, they perceived a series of barriers. These included a relatively ‘tokenistic’ approach to listening, power imbalances between themselves & professionals, the need to constantly chase professionals for support, and a lack of recognition of their rights especially around issues of cultural sensitivity among others. These barriers served to work against the experience ‘offered’ and ‘promised’ by the Act’s underlying principles.”
Disabled people face a postcode lottery with regards to the information and services they can expect. Action is needed now.
Surely the Welsh Independent Living Grant is ring fenced money not subject to clawback at the whim of the Council? Where’s co-production?
See legal precedent of R (BG) V Suffolk County Council 2021 [EWHC] 3368 (Admin).


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Wrexham

·         North Wales